Have you ever thought of how applicable road signs are to our eating habits? A few days ago, I was stopped at a red traffic light and it occurred to me how many road signs are symbolic of our eating habits. Take a look – which one do you relate to?
Food rules
What things are you currently saying or doing, that need to stop? Do you need to stop making unrealistic food rules, setting unrealistic weight loss goals, or feeling guilty over enjoying a treat. Or perhaps you need to stop waiting for the ‘right’ time to start exercising?
Food modelling
If we want our children to eat well, we have to ‘walk the talk’. Are your eating habits a good role model for your children? Remember – they are watching (and copying!). Which of our eating habits are due to our parents’ expectations during our childhood ?
Fullness cues
This one reminds me of my Grandmother. When she was satisfied after a meal, but was offered more, she would put up her hand in a stop gesture and say “closed,” meaning she had had enough. Like the sign – no food beyond this point!
Yo-yo dieting
Are you a yo-yo dieter? Are you on a cycle of dieting, losing weight, then rebelling against the diet, putting on weight again, only to go back onto the same diet or perhaps another one, in the hope that this is the one?
Large portions
The oesophagus is the tube taking the food from your throat to your stomach. At the end of the oesophagus is a sphincter (valve) which controls the amount of food going into your stomach. When you overeat, this valve relaxes, allowing acid from your stomach to come up into your throat and mouth, and causing reflux. Is your reflux caused by overeating?
Hunger cues
Can you go the whole day without eating and then eat like there’s no tomorrow? Do you find it hard to stop eating once you’re started? Or perhaps you go to a buffet or an ‘all you can eat’ place and then overdo it?
Mindless eating
Are you ‘parking’ on the lounge and eating mindlessly in front of the TV? Studies show that watching TV not only triggers us to eat, but also makes us turn to unhealthy food choices. The ‘fine’ for ‘illegal parking’? Usually hefty calories.
No routine
Are your eating habits on a downward slope? No routine with meals, skipped meals, meals on the go, excessive snacking?
Social eating
Just like we have to be careful on the road in wet weather, we also need to watch out for events that challenge our eating habits. Social occasions can challenge what and how much we eat … and drink!
Eating too fast
There’s a speed limit to keep to with eating as well! Eating slower is better for digestion and absorption of nutrients from food and helps us to eat mindfully and enjoy our food more. Are you constantly rushing your meals to the point you can’t remember eating or are not aware of how much you ate?
Impulsive eating
Ooops, you’ve not made the best food choice, of perhaps you weren’t even hungry when you ate it! But it’s OK – it’s all level up ahead. Or is it?
Food choices
Are you eating too much take-away or processed food?
Is your body showing signs that your health is heading towards the hazard zone?
So, how are your eating habits travelling? Which road sign applies to your eating habits?
Give Eatwiser a call and make a time to see how we can help you take control of the steering wheel!