Our body’s nutritional needs change as we move through different life stages.
Whether you’re planning a pregnancy, already pregnant or planning to breastfeed, eating well is important to meet the nutrients required by you and your baby. Research shows that good nutrition in the 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s second birthday builds the foundation for their child’s health and development. Nutrition may also prevent nutritional deficiencies, manage common pregnancy problems such as nausea, heartburn and constipation, as well as minimize complications in expectant mothers.
It pays to invest in getting informed on how to set up healthy food habits when children are in their pre-school years. Good eating habits before children start school will help prepare them to make healthy choices. We also provide ideas for managing fussy eaters.
Nutrition is important to help children maintain their health and vitality. It is equally important for teens and adolescents as their bodies are growing and developing. Nutrition also plays a vital role in improved performance and behaviour at school.
Are you concerned about your elderly parents nutrition? Are you elderly and struggling to eat and feel well? As we get older, our energy needs drop, however, our requirement for some vitamins and minerals increases, making nutrition vital at this stage as well. An assessment will ascertain whether you are meeting your nutritional needs.
A healthy family is a happy family – discover better eating habits for you and your family!
Eatwiser can help you with:
- Preconception nutrition
- Nutrition during pregnancy / breastfeeding
- Infant feeding and nutrition
- Nutrition for pre-schoolers / young children / school lunches ideas
- Managing difficult eaters
- How to role model a healthy relationship with food to your children/teens
- Family nutrition – juggling meals when you have a family member with a health issue
- Parenting teens who struggle with fad diets / body acceptance issues
- Nutrition for the elderly
If a healthy and happy family is what you’re looking for, please use the button below to make an appointment that best suits you!
Let me Help You!
Josephine is available to speak to your school or community group on a variety of nutrition and wellness related topics. Enquire now.
Call Josephine on 02 9452 3536 or send a message and we'll get back to you asap.