by josephine | Apr 29, 2018 | Blog, Healthy Habits
In the end, what matters most is … not what was grown, but what we gave back to Earth in return not what was yielded, but how much was mindlessly wasted not what was plated, but what was eaten with gratitude not what was cooked, but what was prepared with...
by josephine | Mar 28, 2018 | Blog, Healthy Habits
I often use the word stickability to describe the ability to stick with a task until we reach our desired result. Although it’s not a real word, the concept is very real. Essentially, it is about doing what it takes. It is all about inner grit. I call it inner grit...
by josephine | Feb 16, 2018 | Blog, Dieting
Last week Weight Watchers announced the launch of a new program providing free membership for teens 13 to 17 years old. Although the bullet points below are few, there are many adverse health effects on teens. Between the age of 13 to 17 is when teens go...
by josephine | Nov 15, 2017 | Blog, Kitchen Garden
With the majority of us being born and bred in urban areas rather than rural areas, means most of us are getting limited exposure to Nature. Gardening is an opportunity to connect with Nature and reap benefits to our physical health, mental wellbeing as well as...
by josephine | Oct 15, 2017 | Blog, Nutrition
Makes: 2 serves Ingredients: 3 cm piece of ginger 3 celery stalks (100g) 1/2 red apple (100g) 3 kiwi (300g) juice of 1/2 lemon Method: Blend ingredients in a food processor for 30 seconds. Add 100g of ice cubes. Blend for another 10 seconds. Pour into glasses and...
by josephine | Sep 21, 2017 | Blog, Intuitive Eating
Are you suffering from a serious case of FOMO? Are you thinking it’s an acronym for a chronic disease? Well, in some cases it might be that serious. If you have a fear of missing out – be it a fun event your friends are attending, buying the latest fashion or perhaps...