by josephine | Jun 30, 2018 | Blog, Healthy Habits
Change is hard. Even when we are motivated and committed. When we are in denial or impatient it is excruciatingly difficult. Change is not an outcome. It is a process. It is the before, during and after. It begins with the desire to stay comfortable rather than to...
by josephine | May 31, 2018 | Blog, Healthy Habits
I often get asked for advice on what to eat. Yes, what we eat is important, but eating wiser is about so much more than what we eat. As a child, I remember hearing the proverb ‘No one is born wise’. In order to become wise we must get to know ourselves, accumulate...
by josephine | Apr 29, 2018 | Blog, Healthy Habits
In the end, what matters most is … not what was grown, but what we gave back to Earth in return not what was yielded, but how much was mindlessly wasted not what was plated, but what was eaten with gratitude not what was cooked, but what was prepared with...
by josephine | Mar 28, 2018 | Blog, Healthy Habits
I often use the word stickability to describe the ability to stick with a task until we reach our desired result. Although it’s not a real word, the concept is very real. Essentially, it is about doing what it takes. It is all about inner grit. I call it inner grit...
by josephine | Aug 18, 2017 | Blog, Healthy Habits
How would you describe your mindset around exercise? Is it one of “I have to do it to control my weight”, “It always feels like a chore”, “I just want to get it over and done with” or perhaps, the common “I hate going to the gym”? For many, exercise feels like an...
by josephine | Jul 11, 2017 | Blog, Healthy Habits
Have you heard the quote, “Mile by mile, it’s a trial, yard by yard, it’s hard, but inch by inch, it’s a cinch”? It has a similar meaning to the old Chinese proverb “The man who moved a mountain is the one who started taking away the small stones.” It is a...