Dieting rituals such as calorie counting, recording the amount of food, calories or fat eaten and even constant weighing are counter productive for empowered eating, good health and happiness. So, what habits should these be replaced with?

Stop blaming yourself for years of failed dieting
Start blaming the diets for setting you up for failure

Stop labelling food as ‘good’ or ‘bad’
Start acknowledging what each food has to offer

Stop wasting time counting calories
Start spending more time enjoying meals

Stop restricting foods – it will only lead to more cravings, guilt, uncontrolled eating, binge eating and disordered eating
Start enjoying the freedom to choose which foods you eat

Stop conforming to eating a “standard serve”, a “standard portion” or to the way others eat
Start obeying your body, your intuition, your inner wisdom

Stop stressing about the nutrients in food
Start appreciating the wonderful variety of foods we have, season after season

Stop eating mindlessly
Start relishing each food’s unique aroma, taste and texture

Stop being at war with your body
Start befriending your hunger, fullness and natural body shape

Stop trying to be a number on the scale
Start questioning if your ancestors weighed themselves each day

Stop making your body shape rule your life – it only leads to body dissatisfaction and low self- esteem
Start focusing on improving your fitness, strength, flexibility – you’ll be in awe of what your body can do!

Stop seeing exercise as only being for weight loss
Start reaping its many other health benefits such as improved cognitive function, improved hormone function, emotional wellbeing as well as an opportunity to catch up with friends, or nature or on ‘me’ time!

Stop the yo-yo dieting, fluctuating weight loss and weight gain
Start enjoying eating naturally and being a steady weight

Stop listening to fad diets’ empty and short lived promises
Start lifelong habits for sustainable results!

For more help with ditching dieting and enjoying empowered eating, contact Eatwiser.


Let me Help You!

Josephine is available to speak to your school or community group on a variety of nutrition and wellness related topics. Enquire now.

Call Josephine on 02 9452 3536 or send a message and we'll get back to you asap.

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