by josephine | Aug 18, 2017 | Blog, Healthy Habits
How would you describe your mindset around exercise? Is it one of “I have to do it to control my weight”, “It always feels like a chore”, “I just want to get it over and done with” or perhaps, the common “I hate going to the gym”? For many, exercise feels like an...
by josephine | Jul 11, 2017 | Blog, Healthy Habits
Have you heard the quote, “Mile by mile, it’s a trial, yard by yard, it’s hard, but inch by inch, it’s a cinch”? It has a similar meaning to the old Chinese proverb “The man who moved a mountain is the one who started taking away the small stones.” It is a...
by josephine | Jul 4, 2017 | Blog, Nutrition
With the simplicity of just two ingredients and a delicious flavour, you’re guaranteed to make it over and over again. No added salt, oil, sugar or artificial sweetener is needed, making it just pure, delicious nuttiness!Ingredients: 1 cup pecans (about 150g) 1...
by josephine | Jun 22, 2017 | Blog, Nutrition
Want an easy green vegetable to add to your meals? These roasted Brussels Sprouts are a winner! Ingredients: Brussels Sprouts olive oil salt pepper lemon Method: Preheat the oven to 180C. Place a sheet of baking paper on an oven tray. To cook the amount needed...
by josephine | Jun 13, 2017 | Blog, Intuitive Eating
I love looking through old cook books – it provides a combination of nostalgia over forgotten foods, a good giggle from gleaming over past food fashions as well an insight into the way we used to eat. Look through an old baking recipe book and you will find a...