Which road sign applies to your eating habits?

Have you ever thought of how applicable road signs are to our eating habits? A few days ago, I was stopped at a red traffic light and it occurred to me how many road signs are symbolic of our eating habits. Take a look – which one do you relate to?   Food rules...
Pop has turned to twist

Pop has turned to twist

An Australian company, Guala Closures Australia, together with glass manufacturer O-I, have come up with an innovative way to cap sparkling wines: a screw-cap. The screw-cap, named Viiva, has replaced the traditional cork top, in the Trevi range and Willowglen...


Poached eggs are a popular breakfast in my household. So when I saw these Wiltshire Poachies on the shelf, I was intrigued and knew I had to try them. How they work The Poachies are 2 egg shaped pieces of paper, placed one on top of another. One end is sealed for the...

Naked Truth About Nutella

A handful of hazelnuts, about 30g, consists of 20 hazelnuts. On the other hand, a heaped tablespoon of the hazelnut spread, Nutella, also about 30g, consists of only 4 hazelnuts. “Is that all?” I hear you ask. Yes, there’s more in that jar of Nutella than just...

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